Mar 29, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Support


NKU’s Academic Advising Philosophy

Academic advising at NKU is an integral part of the learning process. As such, academic advising is a collaborative effort that encourages students to develop clear educational plans and choose realistic life/career goals. In order to assist students in realizing their full potential at the university, faculty and staff advisors at NKU embrace the following beliefs about academic advising:

  • The primary responsibility for decision-making rests with the student.
  • Students are often unaware of the demands and expectations of the university and therefore need to clearly understand the culture of higher education.
  • Academic advising is not an isolated event but an ongoing communication between the student and advisor in which mutual trust and respect must be established.
  • Academic advisors recognize and accept that each student is unique.
  • The core of all academic advising is the development of a holistic educational plan that facilitates the student’s intellectual and personal growth and includes an academic plan that identifies the most appropriate courses to satisfy degree requirements in an efficient and effective manner.

Primary Goals and Objectives of Academic Advising

As a result of the collaborative advising process the student will:

  • Define and develop educational and career goals that are consistent with their personal values, interests, and talents.
  • Develop a rapport with their advisors to enhance their academic performance.
  • Utilize university resources to support their educational development.
  • Develop an understanding of university policies, procedures, and requirements.

The desired learning outcome of the above goals is that students are able to make informed and increasingly independent decisions about their educational plans and other academic issues. Accordingly, as students become more knowledgeable about curriculum, policies, and procedures, they should become less reliant on advisors for information, but they will continue to consult advisors or designated faculty concerning university requirements, graduate school admission, career opportunities and most importantly graduation requirements (

Students’ Responsibilities in the Advising Process

Students should be active participants in developing their educational plan. Central to this responsibility is developing a strong relationship with the academic advisor by:

  • Preparing for academic advising meetings.
  • Actively participating in advising discussions.
  • Maintaining personal academic records.
  • Developing an understanding of all graduation requirements:
    • Major/minor requirements.
    • Foundation of Knowledge/general education.
    • University requirements.
  • Learning how to access campus and online resources.
  • Informing academic advisors regarding issues that may impact academic success.
  • Proactively participating in planning for their post-graduate career.

Advisors’ Responsibilities in the Advising Process

The academic advisor will serve as a teacher and facilitator to enable students to be successful by developing appropriate academic and post-graduate career plans. Central to this process is serving advisees by:

  • Maintaining accurate and current documentation of student records to the best of their ability at the time of communication with the advisor.
  • Communicating information about current university policies and procedures through a variety of channels.
  • Assisting advisees in developing decision-making skills and encouraging them to take responsibility for their decisions.
  • Facilitating connections between students and appropriate resources when needed.
  • Participating in professional development activities relevant to advising.

Advising Requirements for Registration

The proper selection of courses is important for every NKU student. Therefore, all students are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor prior to registration each term. Some students are required to meet with their academic advisor prior to registration. All degree-seeking undeclared and undecided students assigned to Norse Advising ( are required to meet with their advisor before registering for classes each semester. All non-degree students on probation are also required to meet with an advisor prior to registering for classes.

Note: Students on academic warning or probation will not have the ability to complete online registration until they comply with the following. They MUST first see their academic advisor to obtain registration approval and should check with their advising center to determine if there are additional requirements.

Here is a list, by college, showing which students MUST see their academic advisor prior to registration.


Location: UC 210
Telephone: 859-572-5494
Web Address:

All College of Arts and Sciences majors are required to meet with an advisor in their departments:

  • Anthropology
  • Art
  • Biological sciences
  • Chemistry
  • English
  • History and Geography
  • Integrative Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Physics, Geology, and Engineering Technology
  • Political Science, Criminal Justice, and Organizational Leadership
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Theatre and Dance
  • Undeclared
  • World Languages and Literatures


Location: MEP 230
Telephone: 859-572-6944
Web Address:
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:15 AM to 4:30 PM

The following students are required to meet with an advisor:

  • All pre-education majors (including secondary education students).
  • Counseling, social work, and mental health/human services: all students.
  • Exercise science: all majors.
  • Athletic training: all pre-majors.


Location: Griffin Hall 404
Telephone: 859-572-7670
Web Address:

The following students are required to meet with an advisor:

  • Business Information Systems Majors: Students with fewer than 60 earned credit hours.

  • Library Informatics & Health Informatics Majors: Students with fewer than 45 earned credit hours.

  • Communication Department Majors (CMST, EMB, HCOM, JOU, MIN, & PRE): Students with fewer than 45 earned credit hours.

  • Computer Science Department Majors (CIT, CSC, & DSC): Students with fewer than 45 earned credit hours.

  • Undeclared Informatics Majors: All students.


Telephone: 859-572-5248
Web Address:

The following students are required to meet with an advisor:

  • Nursing students: all pre-major undergraduates.
  • Four-year BSN, the accelerated BSN, and the RN-to-BSN programs: all students.
  • Respiratory care and radiologic technology: all pre-majors and all new majors.


Location: Business Center 206
Telephone: 859-572-6134
Fax: 859-572-6144
Web Address:

The following students are required to meet with an advisor:

  • All new majors in the Haile/U.S. Bank College of Business.
  • All students with fewer than 30 hours earned who are currently enrolled.
  • All students with 75 or more hours that have not met selective admissions.
  • Construction Management and Construction Technology: all students.

Norse Advising

Location: University Center 210
Telephone: 859-572-6900
Fax: 859-572-6989
Web Address:
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Other hours may be available by special appointment. Summer hours vary.
Director: Frank Robinson
Other Key Personnel:

Associate Director: Amy Pieper
Coordinator of Advising Programs: Megan LaDow

Norse Advising provides a range of academic advising services, ranging from answering general questions for all students on a Drop -in basis to development of academic plans for all Undecided  students, and some undeclared students interested in, but not yet admitted to some academic programs. Norse Advising also administers the Pathfinders Program, First Year Advising support for the College of Health Professions , and assists with advising students in the School Based Scholars Program, and Chase 3+3 law program. Non-degree-seeking students may also request to meet with a Norse advisor. Norse advisors help students make well-informed, timely decisions about programs of study and promote academic success. Norse Advising also supports campus wide initiatives related to academic advising such as the Master Advisor Professional Development Program available to all faculty and staff.

Undecided and Undeclared Students

Many entering students elect to be “undecided” rather than selecting a major. Some undecided  students may want time to explore possible areas of interest, make appropriate choices about majors, and develop academic plans. Other undecided students want advice about which programs might be best suited to their academic strengths and weaknesses, personal interests, and career objectives. Norse Advising advises  undecided students whose academic interests cannot be narrowed to a specific college, students who do not meet the admissions standards for their desired program, and students conditionally admitted to the university. Undeclared students who have focused their major choice(s) within a specific college are  advised in one of the five colleges: Arts and Sciences, Business, Education and Human Services, Health Professions, or Informatics.

Pathfinders Students

NKU has developed a special program for entering students who have not met all of the ACT/SAT admission standards. Students who have academic needs as defined by their admission status are classified as Pathfinder students and are advised by Norse Advising. Norse advisors help these students plan for their timely completion of program  requirements and discuss avenues for academic success. They also help facilitate the selection of an appropriate major upon completion of readiness standards.

First-time freshmen who are granted admission but have two or more academic deficiencies will be admitted to and must participate in an associate degree program called the Pathfinders Program.* Through the Pathfinders Program, students must participate in a variety of advising appointments, tutoring sessions and special programs to maintain their enrollment eligibility. Please visit the website for specific details (

*Students who are 21 years of age or older are exempt from the Pathfinders Program. Please visit the website for specific details.

Advising Services

Undecided students, all Pathfinder  students, and those students who are interested in but not admitted to a program in various colleges must meet formally with an academic advisor in Norse Advising each semester. During advising appointments, Norse Advising advisors provide academic support  that is focused on students’ individual needs. Specifically, Norse Advising advisors assist students in the following ways:

  1. Discuss students’ academic progress.
  2. Teach students how to access information related to general education, and major or minor course requirements.
  3. Clarify university policies and procedures and help students navigate the higher education system.
  4. Help students learn effective decision-making skills for choosing majors.
  5. Offer proactive academic counseling for students to promote academic success.
  6. Help students develop educational plans based on academic strengths, personal interests and career objectives.
  7. Make referrals to appropriate university faculty, staff, and services.
  8. Help students begin to identify academic majors consistent with their goals and interests.

In addition to meeting students’ advising needs, the Norse Advising director (or designee) provides assistance to students with issues that need approval from the dean/assistant dean. These include, but are not limited to, withdrawal from classes, probation, suspension, and reinstatement.

Information Technology

Location: Lucas Administrative Center
Telephone: 859-572-6911
Web Address:

NKU’s Office of Information Technology is committed to supporting student success. IT provides a variety of services. All students are urged to visit the student page of the IT website to learn about services and view guides that answer common IT-related questions.

NKU Username and Password

Your NKU username and password are required to access many online services at NKU. As a security measure, NKU passwords expire every 90 days. To activate your NKU user ID, change your NKU user account password or reset your password, visit the website ( Also on that website, add a personal phone number and/or an alternate email address on your account so if your password expires in the future, you can have a recovery code sent as text or email.

Technology Help

Students have two options for technology assistance: Norse Tech Bar and IT Help Desk.

If on campus during normal business hours, students are urged to visit the Norse Tech Bar in University Center 252. Go there for answers to all of your technology questions as well as software and hardware troubleshooting. We also offer lab computers with printers, computer/tablet/camera checkout and LCD screens for group work.

The IT Help Desk provides a similar support service but via phone 859-572-6911, instant message or online service request ( The IT Help Desk is also open longer business hours during the week and on weekends. ( is a student portal that pulls in many of the NKU tasks to one website. From there, you can access your email, All Card, myNKU and much more.


Canvas is NKU’s online learning management system. Faculty often post course syllabi, assignments, reading material and other course-related materials on Canvas for student access. Visit ( to see all your classes in Canvas.  

Computer Labs

IT provides open computer labs in SL 1st floor and 4th floor, GH322, BC120, SC 3rd and 4th floor and UC252 (Norse Tech Bar)  Many academic departments offer additional computer labs for their students. Also, students may access software licensed by the University via the “virtual lab” which is essentially a lab computer you can log into when you are off campus via your personal computer or tablet.

Technology Discounts for Students

Vendors offer discounts to students, so those who are buying Dell or Apple computers are eligible for a student discount. More information and links to the vendors’ websites to make purchases are available online (


All official communication from the University is directed to your NKU email address. IT will assist students in setting up mobile devices to access email. For help, visit the Norse Tech Bar, University Center 252, or contact our IT Help Desk ( Also, connected to the email account is a free cloud storage option for files called OneDrive. Storage on this drive is unlimited as long as you are a student.


Students can add money to their All Card to print in any computer lab or print kiosk on campus.


Actively enrolled students can download Microsoft Office through their webmail account free of charge.  


NKU has wireless access throughout the campus. Depending on the purpose when connecting through Wi-Fi, students can select from the various NKU networks as described online.

Technology Use Policies

To ensure that NKU’s technology resources are secure, responsibly utilized, and available to everyone, the University has established policies that must be followed by all users of NKU’s technology resources. Illegal downloads of copyrighted materials and inappropriate use of technology resources is strictly forbidden. Policies are available online (

Learning PLUS

Location: University Center 170
Telephone: 859-572-5475
Email Address:
Web Address:
Director: Diane Williams
Other Key Personnel:

Associate Director for Tutoring Programs: Jered Wasburn-Moses
Assistant Director for School-Based Scholars: James Catchen
Success Skills Coordinator: Jered Wasburn-Moses
Writing Center Coordinator: Wanda Crawford
PLUS Tutoring Coordinator: Robin Theobald
Supplemental Instruction Coordinator: Zach Wells
Academic Success Coordinator: Joetta Browning
Pathways and School-Based Scholars Coordinator: Kristin Hornsby
Academic Specialist: Mary Seifried
Academic Specialist: Mary Golden

Full-time faculty: James Catchen, Wanda Crawford, Robin Theobald, Jered Wasburn-Moses, Zach Wells, Diane Williams, Natalie Williams


Learning PLUS provides a variety of services to support students’ academic achievement. The tutoring programs assist students with specific classes and general skills required for academic success. Learning PLUS tutoring programs include PLUS Tutoring, PLUS Online, the Writing Center, Writing Center Online, Success PLUS, and Supplemental Instruction. Learning PLUS also offers RDG 110: Critical Reading, coordinates the School-Based Scholars program, oversees learning contracts, and provides Navigate support to faculty and staff.

PLUS Tutoring

PLUS Tutoring provides FREE assistance and support for students who want or need to better understand the course content and concepts of specific 100-, 200-, and some higher-level courses. To learn more about the service and how to schedule an appointment, students should visit the website (

PLUS Online

For students who are unable to come to campus, PLUS Online brings our PLUS Tutoring program to the web. Students can work with our regular peer tutors in an online whiteboard and videoconference environment. For more information or to schedule an appointment, students should visit the website (

Writing Center

The Writing Center provides FREE assistance and support for students with college writing tasks assigned in any course: essays, reports, research papers, etc. Writing Center consultants can guide and advise students through the entire writing process. To learn more about the service and how to schedule an appointment, students should visit the website (

Writing Center Online

Students who are unable to come to campus can still access the Writing Center services remotely. For more information or to schedule an appointment, students should visit the website (

Success PLUS

Success PLUS provides FREE, ongoing one-on-one peer assistance with many important college and life success skills, including time management, effective note-taking and studying practices, and test-taking strategies. To learn more about the service and how to schedule an appointment, students should visit the website (

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction provides FREE collaborative peer review sessions for some sections of difficult and challenging courses. SI leaders attend all classes and conduct weekly review sessions to help students with mastering content as well as developing learning strategies that can be applied to other courses. Students are encouraged to attend review sessions often. For more information about SI, students should visit the website (


Telephone: 859-572-5457
Fax: 859-572-6181
Web Address:
Associate Provost and Dean of the Library: Robert Zai, Interim
Hours During Regular Semesters:

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.

The W. Frank Steely Library, located in the center of campus and online, partners with many campus departments to support the academic achievement and success of NKU students. The library provides a variety of services and resources including wireless access, a coffee shop, group study rooms, a variety of public study and social spaces, and computers with Internet access and Microsoft Office products. An eContent area provides computers with multimedia software such as Photoshop, Acrobat Professional, Dreamweaver, and InDesign.

Other special services ( include research consultation (in person, by phone, by email, by chat, or by appointment); classroom instruction and embedded librarians via Canvas courses; My Librarian and First-Year Experience services; web-based research guides and tutorials; SourceFinder (a document delivery service for obtaining materials not available at Steely Library); access to 108 databases, many with full-text documents; and a growing collection of electronic books. Steely Library is also a depository for many federal government publications. The Eva G. Farris Special Collections and Schlachter University Archives contain materials related to the history of NKU and materials documenting the history and heritage of the northern Kentucky region, the Ohio River valley, the Underground Railroad, Appalachian writers, and military history.

Steely Library has reciprocal borrowing agreements with the University of Cincinnati’s Langsam Library and the three northern Kentucky public library systems in Boone County, Campbell County, and Kenton County. Students and faculty may use their NKU All Card to borrow materials from these libraries. Please visit the library’s home page for more information about its facilities and services.

NKU Bookstore, Barnes & Noble

Location: University Center Plaza Level
Telephone: 859-572-5142
Web Address:
Summer Hours from 5/16 - 8/15:

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Store Hours will be updated regularly on our Bookstore Website (
Please check for changes and extended hours.

Extended Hours: At the beginning of fall and spring semesters.

Barnes & Noble offers NKU students all the options for college textbooks. Students can buy new and used books, rent books, and obtain digital editions of books. The bookstore also stocks the materials required for classes. Students looking for easy and convenient textbooks for the best price should visit the NKU bookstore website to place an online order. For books ordered online, the bookstore will box up the requested books and have them ready for pick-up.

Student Success Hub

Located in the University Center, the Student Success Center serves as a seamless and streamlined experience to equip and empower students for success. For additional information regarding the student success center and services offered, please contact us at  Services and programs available to students in the student success center include:

Adult Learner Programs and Services

University Center 122

Adult Learner Programs and Services (ALPS) at NKU is a department dedicated to working adult students. We’re here to guide you to accelerated adult-centered education classes taught by seasoned faculty and to campus resources that will assist you along the way. NKU offers many benefits for adult students, including: Flexible course offerings, Personalized degree plans, and easy access to campus, parking, and centralized classrooms. Visit the website for more information for more details

Career Services

University Center 225

Career Services provides programs and services that engage and empower students to establish academic and career goals, obtain co-ops and internships, secure meaningful employment, and manage their careers for rewarding, fulfilled lives. Career Services also operates as the principal point of contact and servicing unit for employers who wish to recruit students for co-ops, internships and full-time positions. The career services team is committed to providing excellent career-related programs, services, and resources. Visit the website or stop by for details (

First-Year Programs

University Center 122

Northern Kentucky University freshman students have the opportunity to experience their first college year in an environment that promotes active learning, collaboration and personal development through these programs:

  • Alpha Lambda Delta
  • Book Connection
  • Learning Communities
  • University 101: Orientation to College & Beyond

Health, Counseling and Student Wellness

University Center 440

Health, Counseling and Student Wellness is dedicated to helping students achieve and maintain optimal levels of physical, mental and emotional functioning. Health Services are administered by registered nurses who are available free of charge and on a walk-in basis, and a nurse practitioner who is available by appointment. Services include illness and injury management, immunizations, physical exams, allergy injections, health education and reproductive health services including birth control and sexually transmitted disease screening and management. The Counseling staff are licensed masters-and-doctoral-level mental health professionals who provide individual, couples, group and crisis intervention counseling. Counseling Services also includes workshops/presentations on a variety of mental health topics and psychological testing. The Counseling staff are experienced in working with a diverse student population and in treating a wide variety of concerns, including (but not limited to) anxiety, depression, relationship issues, adjustment issues, concerns regarding sexual orientation/gender identity, traumatic life events, grief and substance use/abuse.

International Education Center

University Center 340

The international education center is composed of the Office of Education Abroad, the Office of International Students and Scholars, and the Office of American English Language Programs. Our mission is to develop and promote global perspectives through engagement in the international arena and to become a regional resource for global initiatives. NKU achieves its international mission through high-quality study abroad experiences; international student recruitment, retention and involvement; an international curriculum; international scholar exchanges; and diverse international opportunities for faculty and staff in teaching, research and outreach.

Learning PLUS

University Center 170

Learning PLUS provides a variety of services to support students’ academic achievement. The tutoring programs assist students with specific classes and general skills required for academic success. Learning PLUS tutoring programs include PLUS Tutoring, PLUS Online, the Writing Center, Writing Center Online, Success PLUS, and Supplemental Instruction. Learning PLUS also coordinates the School-Based Scholars Program, oversees learning contracts, and provides Navigate support to faculty and staff.

Norse Advising

University Center 210

The mission of Norse Advising is to advise and teach students skills that facilitate growth through exploration as they embark upon their educational careers at NKU. We help students navigate the university and make informed decisions while transitioning into majors and professional careers. Norse Advising serves as the primary advising center for undeclared students in University Studies and offers walk-in advising assistance to all NKU students. We also manage the Peer Coaches program, where current stuent mentors provide quick answers to student questions.

Norse Tech Bar

University Center 252

The Norse Tech Bar is the student destination for technology. Go there for answers to all your technology questions as well as software and hardware troubleshooting. We also offer lab computers with printers, large-format printers, computer/tablet/camera checkout, and LED screens for group work. Visit the website ( for more information and hours, and follow us on Twitter for the latest news @nkutechbar.

Testing Services

University Center 101

Test with the best! Testing Services at NKU offers testing services for placement, undergraduate admissions, credit by examination, accommodated classroom examinations, distance learning proctoring, and certification/licensure. Testing services provides standardized and proctored exams in a convenient and secure testing environment for the NKU community and region. Testing services adheres to the National College Testing Association Professional Standards and Guidelines.

TRiO-Student Support Services

University Center 127

TRiO-Student Support Services is the home on campus for first generation college students. You will find friendly and knowledgeable staff and students who understand what it means to be the first in your family to attend and finish college. You will benefit from mentoring, advising, coaching, and other resources and opportunities designed to support your personal, academic, and career goals. SSS is funded through a federal TRiO grant from the U. S. Department of Education. You must meet parental education and income guidelines to be eligible. Apply online to be an SSS Scholar (

University Connect and Persist

University Center 120

University Connect and Persist empowers students to create action plans, establish success networks, and implement techniques that promote persistence to graduation and lifelong learning. UCAP offers a Lending Library, Financial consultation, and a last dollar SGA retention award. Any student with questions or concerns related to their NKU experience is welcome to stop in or make an appointment with a member of our team. UCAP likewise supports faculty and staff in their work with students through timely outreach once a student is referred to our office.

TRiO-Student Support Services

Location: University Center 127
Telephone: 859-572-5138
Email Address:
Web Addresses:
Director: Lori Wright
Other Key Personnel:

Associate Director: Joyce Couch
Support Coach: Charles Rains
Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Ash

TRiO-Student Support Services is the home on campus for first-generation college students. You will find friendly and knowledgeable staff and students who understand what it means to be the first in your family to attend and finish college. SSS Scholars will benefit from mentoring, advising, coaching, and other resources and opportunities designed to support your personal, academic, and career goals. SSS is funded through a federal TRiO grant from the U. S. Department of Education. You must meet parental education and income guidelines to be eligible. Apply online to be an SSS Scholar (

University Connect and Persist

Location: University Center 120
Telephone: 859-572-6497
Email Address:
Web Address:
Director: Peg Adams

University Connect and Persist empowers students for success! We help students develop success plans, build customized success networks, and get the most out of their NKU experience. UCAP engages the campus community in collaborative partnerships to facilitate student success, oversees the early referral process, and assists students in creating and utilizing their success networks.

How do students connect with us?

  • Early Referral: Faculty may refer any student who appears to need assistance with issues that could hinder academic progress.
  • Walk-In/Self-Referral: Any student with questions or concerns related to their NKU experience is welcome to stop in or make an appointment with UCAP staff.
  • Scholarship and Grant Recipients: UCAP staff work one on one with students who receive the Educational Diversity Scholarship and the Northern Difference Grant. Students are required to meet with UCAP staff throughout their college career for guidance and support.
  • Proactive Outreach: Students who are identified as needing additional support are contacted by UCAP for early intervention.

Our Programs and Services

  • The Lending Library allows students to borrow one textbook per semester. Students who borrow books meet with a UCAP staff for a financial and academic wellness check.
  • SGA Retention Award is a one-time-only tuition assistance award that helps students who need financial support. Students schedule an appointment with a UCAP coordinator to discuss eligibility criteria and the application process.
  • Financial Consultation and Workshops provide students with essential information about their financial picture, especially as it relates to their academic plan. UCAP coordinators are available to work with students to develop strategies and plans to address financial challenges.
  • Networking is a life skill beneficial in college and beyond. Students learn how to build, expand and activate their success network at NKU.

Veterans Resource Station

Location: University Center 131
Telephone: 859-572-7867
Email Address:
Web Address:
Director: Ryan Padgett
Other Key Personnel:

Certifying Official: Denzil Carter

This outreach service for veterans and their families helps to create a community of university personnel, students and community agencies that increase the likelihood of veterans, student service members and their family members completing their educational goals.

The Veterans Resource Station (VRS) offers individual computer and Internet access that includes a welcoming, open space to study, socialize, borrow books, and connect with other veterans. VRS student peer mentors are veterans or family members of veterans who provide information, referrals, and support to enable students to successfully navigate and connect with the right resources. NKU’s student organization for veterans, Norse VETS, provides a social group and support structure to help veterans adjust to and become successful in civilian life. The VRS acts as a resource library for a broad range of services and benefits provided by the Kentucky and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other community activities.

The Veterans Resource Station processes and certifies Department of Veterans Affairs educational benefits for veterans and family members.

Benefit Programs Through the GI Bill

Chapter 33

Post-9/11 GI Bill
The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. For the first time in history, service members enrolled in the Post-9/11 GI Bill program will be able to transfer their unused educational benefits to their spouses or children. The Post-9/11 VA benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits. Generally benefits are payable for 15 years following release from active duty.
To apply:

Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty
To be eligible for the GI Bill, you must have served as a member of the armed forces on active duty after June 30, 1985. You must have a high school diploma or a GED and have participated in the program, having had $100 withheld each month for 12 months.
To apply: Complete VA Form 22-1990 Application for VA Education Benefits and submit with DD-214, Copy 4.
Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation - Disabled Veterans
A disabled veteran who has a service-connected disability of 10 percent or more may qualify. If eligible, veterans receive full tuition, fees and book coverage. Disabled veterans must complete the appropriate paperwork and receive counseling through the Veterans Administration. To apply: Complete VA Form 28-1900 Disabled Veterans Application for Vocational Rehabilitation and submit with DD-214, Copy 4, copy of original marriage license, and copies of original birth certificates for all dependent children.
Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program
This covers a son, daughter or spouse of a veteran who has a 100 percent permanent and total service-connected disability or the son/daughter or spouse of a veteran whose death was service-connected.
To apply: Complete VA Form 22-5490 Application for Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance.
Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve
Reservists who enlist or reenlist for a period of six years after June 30, 1985 and who have a high school diploma or GED are eligible upon completion of 180 days of Reserve service.
To apply: Complete VA Form 22-1990 Application for Education Benefits and submit DD-2384 Notice of Basic Eligibility. This form is available upon request at the Reserve Center where the reservist is attached.