Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Description Notes

Northern Kentucky University has established abbreviations for its various disciplines. These abbreviations, which are printed next to the name of each discipline in the following course descriptions, should be used in preparing course schedules and at other times when referring to specific courses.

Following course titles in parenthesis is the number of semester hours of credit in the course. Listed below the course title are the number of classroom and lab/studio hours in the course, course prerequisites and co-requisites, and the semesters in which the course is taught.

Many courses satisfy NKU general education requirements under guidelines of the Kentucky Transfer Policy. If a particular course is approved for general education credit, a two-letter general education category designation follows the course title. The category for which the course is approved is listed in full beneath the course description. The general education category designations are:

OC – Oral Communication
WC – Written Communication
AH – Arts and Humanities
QR – Quantitative Reasoning
NS – Natural Sciences
SB – Social and Behavioral Sciences

Please refer to the General Education section of this catalog for complete information.

The university reserves the right to withdraw or modify courses of instruction at any time.



  • MUSE 306 University Concert Band (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): At least 3 years experience playing an instrument.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Preparation and performance of a wide variety of band literature. Open to all students. NO audition necessary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 307 Symphonic Winds (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 6 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Preparation of performance of traditional and contemporary literature for band; public concerts and performance for university functions. Open to all students.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 308 Jazz Ensemble (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 5 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Preparation and performance of traditional and contemporary literature for large jazz ensemble; public concerts and performance for university functions.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 309 Steel Drum Ensemble (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Preparation and performance of traditional and contemporary literature for steel drum ensemble; public concerts and performance for university functions.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 320 Guitar Ensemble (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUS 148  or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Preparation and performance of a wide variety of literature for guitar ensemble.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 321 Chamber Choir (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 6 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    A select choral ensemble specializing in a variety of the best choral literature. For music students, voice students. All music majors and minors must fulfill their ensemble credit requirements prior to opting for the 0 cr.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 322 Women’s Ensemble (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Must be able to read music rudimentally.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Open to all female students. Performance of a variety of music. No audition necessary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 323 Man Choir (0-1 Credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0-1 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Must be able to read music rudimentally.
    Taught: Variable-chck w/dept
    Performance of a variety of music. Open to all male students.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 2

  • MUSE 324 Opera Workshop (0-2 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Musical and dramatic principles and techniques required of performers in musical theatre; needs of the singing actor, class presentations of roles and scenes from standard and contemporary operas and musicals.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 325 Chamber Orchestra (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 6 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Preparation and performance of traditional and contemporary literature for small orchestra; public concerts and performance for university functions.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 328 Jazz Combo (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    The course is designed to give intermediate to advanced jazz students an opportunity to explore the small group dynamic that has become an integral part of the jazz art form. Focus is on the integration of many styles under the umbrella of the jazz idiom via a wider appreciation of jazz recordings, vocabulary, styles, and arranging.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 329 Vocal Jazz Ensemble (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    A select choral ensemble specializing in vocal jazz performance and literature; singing in various jazz styles, improvisational singing, microphone techniques, and balance and blend for a small ensemble.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSE 330 Chamber Music Ensembles (0-1 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 1-3. lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Audition.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Participation in an ensemble to study and perform chamber music literature. All music majors and minors must fulfill their ensemble credit requirements prior to opting for the 0 cr.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSM 104 Orientation to Music Education (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    The purpose of this course is to explore the profession of music education. The course is intended for anyone who is interested in teaching vocal, instrumental, or general music in P-12 schools.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 109 Recital Review (0 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 1 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Students majoring in music, unless excused by the music chair, must register each semester for, and pass, MUS 196. Course requirements are satisfied by certified attendance and review a minimum of 16 approved recitals/concerts per semester (eight during student teaching).
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 0.5

  • MUSM 110 Introduction to Music Theory (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Rudiments of music theory, including scales, key signatures, intervals, triads, and an introduction to harmonic analysis. For students with limited background in music.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 111 Music Theory I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Adequate score on departmental music theory placement test, or C or better in MUSM 110 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Basic vocabulary of music and its application to harmony, counterpoint, and analysis.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 112 Music Theory II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 111 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Continuation of MUSM 111 . Introduction to chromatic functions; secondary dominants and modulation.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 122 Aural Skills I (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Sight-singing and dictation. Rhythmic subdivisions. Tonic, dominant, and subdominant triads in root position and first inversion.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 124 Aural Skills II (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 122 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Sight-singing and dictation. Common cross-rhythms. All diatonic triads and the dominant seventh.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 132 Class Piano I (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Group instruction in piano; development of reading, technique, and functional skills helpful for elementary school teachers and others majoring in music.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 134 Class Piano II (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 132 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Continuation of MUSM 132 .
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 135 Piano Pedagogy I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Preschool music programs; survey of philosophies and observation of teaching methods such as Suzuki, Orff, Dalcroze, Kodaly, Kindermusik, and Musikgarten.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 136 Piano Pedagogy II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 135 .
    Taught: Spring only-odd yrs
    Elementary level; continuation of philosophies and methods as applied to primary grade children; early keyboard technique; musicianship; survey of teaching materials and music appropriate to this age level; business procedures for the independent music studio.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 194 Music: Experimental (1 credit)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 211 Music Theory III (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 112 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Continuation of MUSM 112 . Advanced contrapuntal and harmonic vocabulary and techniques.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 212 Music Theory IV (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 211 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Twentieth-century musical techniques approached through analysis and composition.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 222 Aural Skills III (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 124 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Sight-singing and dictation. Secondary rhythmic subdivisions. Secondary dominants, and modulations to closely related keys.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 224 Aural Skills IV (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 222 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Sight-singing and dictation. Secondary dominants. Asymmetrical meters. Church modes. Modulation.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 232 Class Piano III (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 134 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Continuation of MUSM 134 .
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 234 Class Piano IV (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 232 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Continuation of MUSM 232 .
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 241 History of Music I: Antiquity through Early Baroque (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Music in western civilization from the earliest sources to the late 17th century. (ca. 1680)
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 242 History of Music II: Late Baroque to Mid 19th Century (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Music in western civilization from ca. 1680 to ca. 1850.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 243 History of Music III: Mid 19th and 20th Centuries (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 241  and MUSM 242 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Music in western civilization from ca. 1850 to the present. Required of all students majoring in music as an upper division history and literature course.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 251 Yoga for Creativity (2 Credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Taught: Spring only
    Kripalu yoga techniques used as a means for students to realize their full creative potential.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 261 Applied Methods and Materials: Brass (1 credit)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Pre-Music Education or Music Education
    Taught: Spring only
    Class instruction in performance and pedagogy. Majors only.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 262 Applied Methods and Materials: Woodwinds (1 credit)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Pre-Music Education or Music Education
    Taught: Fall only
    Class instruction in performance and pedagogy. Majors only.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 263 Applied Methods and Materials: Strings (1 credit)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Pre-Music Education or Music Education
    Taught: Fall only
    Class instruction in performance and pedagogy. Majors only.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 264 Applied Methods and Materials: Percussion (1 credit)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Pre-Music Education or Music Education
    Taught: Spring only
    Class instruction in performance and pedagogy. Majors only.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 271 Group Jazz Piano I (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 134 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Introduction to jazz harmony and jazz piano skills.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 272 Group Jazz Piano II (1 credit)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 271 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Advanced study in jazz harmony and jazz piano skills.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 273 Jazz Improvisation I (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Application of jazz vocabulary and melodic constructs within the jazz repertoire; ear training through transcription of solos; and memorization of standard jazz repertoire.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 274 Jazz Improvisation II (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C- or better in MUSM 273 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Continued study of the tools of jazz improvisation; application and study of Bebop vocabulary; transcription of Bebop and Hard Bop solos; memorization of solos.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 296 Piano Proficiency (0 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    All students majoring in music must pass a piano proficiency examination to qualify for admission to a degree program.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 0.5

  • MUSM 305 Ensemble Accompanying (2 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Pre-Music Education or Music Education Consent of instructor accompanying ensembles.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Majors only.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSM 309 Introduction to Music Education (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 104  or EDU 104 ; 48 semester hours as specified in the curriculum contract; at least 2.75 GPA; completion of pre-music curriculum required.
    Taught: Spring only
    Students examine the teaching profession and schooling as it currently functions in America. Emphasis on the Kentucky Education Reform Act, educational theory, and educational practice. Provides music education majors an overview of the total school music program. Observation and clinical experience required.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 311 Form and Analysis (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 212  and MUSM 222 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Harmonic, contrapuntal, and formal procedure in works of major composers; techniques of musical analysis.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 312 Computer Applications for Musicians (1 credit)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 112 .
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Introduction to computer uses for musicians and their art; basic concepts of electronic music, music scoring, part writing, and desktop publishing for musical programs; word processing, spreadsheets; data bases, graphics, and communications; MIDI (musical instrument digital interface); computer ethics. Required in place of EDU 313  for students majoring in music education.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 313 Orchestration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 112 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Instrumentation and scoring for orchestral choirs and full orchestra.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 315 Materials and Techniques of Music Composition (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 112 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Exploration of the compositional techniques, resources, and technologies available to composers today; concentration on creative and analytical projects.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 316 Counterpoint (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 212 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Study and imitation of contrapuntal techniques and styles throughout music history, with particular focus on late Renaissance and late Baroque counterpoint.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 331 Keyboard Literature I (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 241  and MUSM 242 .
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Keyboard literature and its development from the renaissance to the early classical period; performance practices, interpretation, and styles.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 332 Keyboard Literature II (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 331 .
    Taught: Spring only-even yrs
    Keyboard literature and its development from the middle classical period to the present; performance practices, interpretation, and styles.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 335 Piano Pedagogy III (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 136 .
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Intermediate level; teaching teens and adults; creative practicing; piano technique; survey of materials and literature appropriate for this level; business procedures for the independent music studio.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 336 Piano Pedagogy IV (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 335 .
    Taught: Spring only-even yrs
    Advanced level; repertoire; philosophies of schools of piano playing; treat pianists and their teaching; productive practicing; performance practices; literature and materials appropriate to this level; business procedures for the independent music studio.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 341 Vocal Literature (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 241 -MUSM 242  or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Solo song repertoire of western world from the troubadours to the present; style, interpretation, and program building.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 342 Choral Literature (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 242 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Choral literature from 1450 to the present; stylistic traits, types of compositions; aesthetic considerations.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 343 Opera Literature (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 344 Lyric Diction I (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 110  or MUSM 111 .
    Taught: Spring only
    A phonetic study of Italian, English, and Spanish as utilized by the singer. Readings and performances of song lyrics.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 345 Lyric Diction II (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 344 .
    Taught: Fall only
    A phonetic study of German and French as utilized by the singer. Readings and performances of song lyrics.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 351 Commercial Music Production I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 312 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Introduces the student to the working environment of an audio engineer in the commercial music industry focusing on both live and studio installations; introduces and applies basic hardware and software tools of the industry while discussing roles and responsibilities of music producers and engineers from idea inception to finished product.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 352 Commercial Music Production II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 351 .
    Taught: Fall only
    An in-depth, project-oriented class designed to give the student intensive exposure to the creative and technical issues involved in advanced music production.  Topics include microphone placement and choice, use of analog effects, plug-ins, arranging for pop ensembles, managing personnel and overseeing large tracking sessions.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSM 360 General and Vocal Music P-8 (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 309 , EDU 311  and Passing of Music Education Four Semester Check.
    Taught: Fall only
    Rhythm band and Orff instruments; review of teaching methods, review of materials in music series, methods and objectives for each grade level, KERA policies and procedures.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 361 Choral Methods I (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDU 311  and C or better in MUSM 365  and Passing of Music Education Four Semester Check.
    Taught: Spring only
    This course integrates formal knowledge in the university classroom with field experiences in order to prepare pre-service music educators to teach K - 12 choral music students in their first two years of a vocal music class.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 362 Choral Methods II (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDU 311  and C or better in MUSM 365  and Passing of Music Education Four Semester Check.
    Taught: Fall only
    This course is designed to prepare choral-emphasis music education majors to synthesize the knowledge and skills that will enable them to develop and maintain a comprehensive choral music program at the secondary level.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 363 Instrumental Methods I (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDU 311  and C or better in MUSM 365  and Passing of Music Education Four Semester Check.
    Taught: Spring only
    This course integrates formal knowledge in the university classroom with field experiences in order to prepare pre-service music educators to teach P-12 instrumental music students in their first two years of instrumental music class.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 364 Teaching Instrumental Music: Secondary (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDU 311  and C or better in MUSM 365  and Passing of Music Education Four Semester Check.
    Taught: Fall only
    This course is designed to prepare instrumental-emphasis music education majors to synthesize the knowledge and skills that will enable them to develop and maintain a comprehensive instrumental music program at the secondary level.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 365 Conducting I (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 111 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Introduction to the craft of conducting. Beat patterns, left hand, entrances, releases, dynamics, terminology, styles of articulation, and baton technique. Instrumental and choral music.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 366 Conducting II (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MUSM 365  or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Spring only
    Continued refinement of skills developed in MUSM 365 ; score study techniques, terminology, and transposition.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 367 Marching Band Techniques (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 212 .
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Survey of organizational and instructional issues relating to teaching marching band.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 371 Jazz & Commercial Music Theory (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 112  with a C or better.
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Fundamentals of jazz and commercial music theory, including chord and scale nomenclature, common progressions, forms, and reharmonization.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 373 Jazz Arranging I (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 112  with a C or better.
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Study of basic harmonic and melodic analysis, chord construction, rhythms, chord/scale relationships, nomenclature, and voice leading in the jazz idiom.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 374 Jazz Arranging II (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 373 .
    Taught: Spring only-even yrs
    Advanced concepts of jazz theory, composition, and arranging.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 375 History of Jazz (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 243 .
    Taught: Spring only-odd yrs
    Overview of the major stylistic periods of jazz from its origins through the late 1970’s.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 380 Composition for Commercial Media (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom +0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 381  or MUSM 351  
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Project-based course that allows for creative application of music technology to various media including corporate/training videos, documentaries, film, gaming, televisions, and other visual media.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 381 Music Technology I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom +0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 312 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Introduction to essential terminology and industry-standard tools for audio music creation and editing.  To develop critical listening skills, familiarizes students with digital audio workstations (DAWs), MIDI dequencers, VST plug-ins, and virtual instrument technologies in both recording and composing applications.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 382 Music Technology II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 381 .
    Taught: Spring only-even years
    Builds upon concepts from MUSM 381 with specific attention to the integration of audio and video in audio production and/or music composition.  Students learn basics of time-code, issues related to post-production, foley, ambience, and sound design.  Students have the opportunity to study film/video scoring, and issues specific to video editing.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 383 Mixing Techniques I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom +0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 351  or MUSM 381  
    Taught: Fall and spring
    The course covers more advanced application of current hardware and software technologies in integrated analog/digital studio environments. Course topics include system set-up and interconnections, file management, system synchronization; aspects of digital recording consoles/mixers, paged architecture, I/O , word clock, sample rate, bit depth, and more advanced applications of DAW technology.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 384 Mixing Techniques II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 383 .
    Taught: Fall only
    Builds upon knowledge of MUSM 383  and includes continued study of core techniques with increased attention to post production, mastering, and developing critical listening and aesthetic consideration.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 394 Special Topics in Music (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    In-depth study of specialized topics in music. May be repeated for credit up to 9 semester hours when topics vary.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 9

  • MUSM 399 Independent Study: Music (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Individual creative or research projects; projects, directed by members of the faculty, must be approved before registration.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: No Limit

  • MUSM 441 Vocal Pedagogy (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): 4 semester hours of MUSA 140 .
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Directed readings, discussions and evaluations of vocal pedagogical philosophies; studies of the teaching materials and physical and psychological problems in the teaching of voice; observation of voice lessons and supervised teaching.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 471 Jazz Styles and Analysis (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 274 , MUSM 374 , MUSM 375 , and 8 semester hours of MUSA courses.
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Capstone course utilizing information from previous courses to better understand the social, musical, and cultural implications of jazz.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 472 Jazz Pedagogy (2 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 375 .
    Taught: Spring only-odd years
    An in depth study of the techniques, processes, and management of a jazz program in the school setting.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 487 Advanced Music Production (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom +0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): MUSM 380  
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The course is an intensive, project-oriented audio production course requring more advanced audio production skills.  Topics will include recording audio for video, applied media aesthetics, sound design, and various post-production techniques.
    Repeatable: No
  • MUSM 496 Senior Capstone (0-4 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0-4 Lab Hours
    Prerequisite(s): MUSA 296 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Bachelor of Arts majors only. An independent project under close supervision of a faculty member: a recital, an internship, a research paper, a creative project, or a collaboration. A proposal must be approved by the department chair and three full-time faculty including the project supervisor by midterm of the preceding semester.
    Repeatable: No


  • NEU 101 Neuroscience for Life: Sex to Society - SB (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    A transdisciplinary course that covers the fundamental principles of neuroscience and their applications to critical and current issues in interpersonal relationships and society. Case studies will be drawn from a multitude of disciplines such as marketing, communications, political science, sports, law, and education. GENERAL EDUCATION: Individual & Society.
    Repeatable: No
  • NEU 150 Orientation to Neuroscience (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Neuroscience issues and applications, methodology, career opportunities, and postgraduate options. Classroom discussions, faculty panels, guest lectures and written essays.
    Repeatable: No
  • NEU 301 Neuroanatomy (4 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 151  or PSY 100 .
    Co-requisite(s): NEU 301L .
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Functional and anatomical organization of the nervous system covering classic animal models in neuroscience as well as the human brain. Discussion of techniques used to identify cells and tissues of the nervous system.
    Repeatable: No
  • NEU 301L Neuroanatomy Laboratory (0 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 151  and PSY 100 .
    Co-requisite(s): NEU 301 .
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Laboratory to accompany NEU 301 .
    Repeatable: No
  • NEU 302 Neurosignaling (4 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 151  or PSY 100 .
    Co-requisite(s): NEU 302L .
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Overview of electrical and chemical signaling in the nervous system with an emphasis on neurotransmitters and hormones in mammalian systems. Will cover autocrine, paracrine and endocrine signaling. Stimuli and response mechanisms.
    Repeatable: No
  • NEU 302L Neurosignaling Laboratory (0 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 151  or PSY 100 .
    Co-requisite(s): NEU 302 .
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Laboratory to accompany NEU 302 .
    Repeatable: No
  • NEU 491 Neuroscience Capstone (3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 9 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of neuroscience program director.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    The Neuroscience capstone is a mentored, independent, experiential learning experience culiminating in a final thesis and oral presentation.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • NEU 492 Neuroscience Research (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3-9 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 291W  and permission of instructor.
    Taught: Fall, spring, summer
    Development and completion of a neuroscience research project chosen in consultation with instructor. Final project report is required. For students majoring or minoring in neuroscience.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • NEU 493 Neuroscience Seminar (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 311  or consent of instructor.
    Taught: Spring only
    Serves as a capstone experience for students in the neuroscience minor and major. Readings and discussions directed at large-scale issues in neuroscience, typically achieved through review of the current literature. Intended to stimulate critical thinking and integration of material learned in earlier courses in the neuroscience minor and major.
    Repeatable: No
  • NEU 494 Special Topics in Neuroscience (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 291W .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    In-depth study of specialized topic in neuroscience. May be repeated for credit once if the topic is different.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • NEU 495 Neuroscience Study Abroad (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 291W  and permission of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Varies by topic. Course includes a classroom portion and a trip abroad.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • NEU 496 Neuroscience Internship (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3-9 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 291W  and permission of Neuroscience Program Director.
    Taught: Fall, spring, summer
    Experiential learning at institutions, universities, or businesses specializing in neuroscience or its applications. Open only to students majoring or minoring in Neuroscience.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

  • NEU 499 Independent Study in Neuroscience (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 3-9 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): BIO 291W  and permission of instructor.
    Taught: Fall, spring, summer
    Independent study in neuroscience. Student will work with a faculty mentor on an experiential learning experience applying the techniques and methods of neuroscience to address a specific problem in the field.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 6

Nursing Baccalaureate

  • NRS 201 Transition to Nursing (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Interactive course providing students opportunity to explore concepts and strategies supporting adaptation and successful transitioning into the baccalaureate nursing program.
    Repeatable: Yes
    If Repeatable, Max. Credits: 1


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