Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • ECO 610 Business and Changing Global Environment (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MBA program or permission of MBA director.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Nature of the business organization; broad, integrated view of contemporary issues and environments in which businesses operate; themes to be carried forward throughout the MBA program, including global nature of business, total quality management, and legal and social responsibilities of business.
  • ECO 625 Managerial Economics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MBA program or consent of MBA director.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Examination of the three key elements of organizational architecture-decision rights, incentive systems, and control systems; application of transaction cost theory to organizational behavior and corporate governance.
  • ECO 694 Selected Topics in Economics (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): ECO 625  or department approval.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study of a selected contemporary area in economics; Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 semester hours if topics differ.
  • ECO 699 Independent Study: Economics (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of MBA Program
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Specialized aspect or topic in economics chosen by student and appropriate faculty member. Repeatable for a maximum of 6 semester hours. Subject to academic regulations pertaining to independent study as given in MBA catalog. Open only to MBA students.


  • EDU 500 Core Principles of Early Childhood Edu (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Study of development, theories and appropriate practice for children ages 0-8 years.
  • EDU 517 Teaching of Phonics in Elementary/Middle (3 credits)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): For undergraduates: admission to teacher education program. For post-baccalaureate and graduate students: permission of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Methods and materials to focus on phonics as part of reading instruction; use of children’s literature to teach phonics in context.
  • EDU 522 The Mindful Helping Professional (1-4 credits)

    1-4 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and spring
    This course for helping professionals introduces themes and practices in Mindfulness. Self-paced modules help students explore and incorporate mindfulness characteristics in oneself and others.
  • EDU 523 The Mindful Leader (3 Credits)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or higher
    Taught: Fall and spring
    This online course for current and future leaders introduces themes and practices in Mindfulness. Self-paced modules help learners explore and incorporate mindfulness characteristics in oneself, others, and in leadership.
  • EDU 525 Differentiated Literacy Instruction (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Undergraduates: Admission to the Teacher Education Program; Graduates: Enrolled in the MAED Program or Permission of Instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course is designed to give pre-service and in-service teachers a more in depth understanding of the need to differentiate literacy instruction to meet the needs of increasingly diverse students. Students will survey major issues in appropriate differentiated literacy instruction, with many instructional practices that will be discussed, modeled, and/or evaluated.
  • EDU 530 Reading in Middle and Secondary Schools (1.5-3 credits)

    1.5-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education, MAED, or MAT programs
    Taught: Spring

    Principles and procedures related to reading and literacy in grades 5-12; reading theory, reading skills and strategies, and study skills across content fields. 

  • EDU 534 Rural Leadership and Progress (3 credits)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Examination of contemporary issues facing rural communities in the United States, and the utilization of research to create practical programs of improvement relevant to the student’s own contextual setting.
  • EDU 535 Rural Field Implementation (3 credits)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDU 534 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Examination of contemporary issues facing rural communities in the United States, and the utilization of research to create practical programs of improvement relevant to the student’s own contextual setting.  This course will include implementation of the Action Plan as formulated in EDU 534 Rural Leadership and Progress (3 credits) .
  • EDU 540 Teaching the Underground Railroad (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Department permission.
    Taught: Summer only
    Research about the Underground Railroad, with an emphasis on local history, to assist teachers in classroom instruction.
  • EDU 544 Aquatic Ecology for Teachers (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Department permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Integration of biology, geology, meteorology, chemistry, and physical sciences to examine water quality through field-based investigation of the Ohio River and streams. Students apply the content and skills learned during the course to the State/School District Science Standards and a lesson plan.
  • EDU 545 Fundamentals of Environmental Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to the field of environmental education, including the history and philosophy, methodologies, state initiatives, national standards, and current trends in the field.
  • EDU 546 Teaching Environmental Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Variable, check w/ department
    Principles and goals, curriculum models, teaching strategies, classroom and community resources, outdoor education, and research.
  • EDU 547 Teaching and Learning in the Outdoors (3 credits)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Spring only
    Students will learn about the impact of outdoor education, available resources, and opportunities for engaging students in outdoor learning environments, such as school gardens, outdoor classrooms and field trips.
  • EDU 548 Environmental Issues for Educators (3 credits)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Taught: Fall only
    Students will investigate, evaluate and reflect on global and regional environmental issues, as well as develop action based appropriate solutions.
  • EDU 550 Current Trends in Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education program and EDS 360.
    Co-requisite(s): EDU 551 .
    Taught: Spring only
    Examination of current issues, trends, public policy, and research in early childhood education.
  • EDU 551 Preschool Education and Programming (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the teacher education program; EDS 360.
    Taught: Fall-even years, Summer-odd years
    Overview of preschool curricula, history of early childhood education, and study of developmentally appropriate activities across subject areas.
  • EDU 552 Infant Toddler Education and Programming (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education program and EDS 360.
    Taught: Fall-odd years, Summer-even years
    The relationship of child development theory and developmentally appropriate practice in group settings for infants and toddlers.
  • EDU 554 Language Development and Emergent Literacy (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program.
    Taught: Spring only
    Overview of historical and theoretical concepts, assessment of early literacy development, and strategies for facilitating reading, writing, and language instruction across various early childhood settings.
  • EDU 565 Early Childhood Assessments for Screening (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program.
    Taught: Fall only
    Overview of the purpose of assessment and critical components of an on- going assessment system, especially for screening young children. Course content includes analysis of recommended practices in assessment; definition of attributes that fit the purpose of assessment; and study of factors related to assessment tool rigor.
  • EDU 566 Ongoing Assessment in Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDS 562  or equivalent.
    Taught: Spring only
    Overview of on-going curriculum-based assessment systems for observing and documenting young children’s growth, development and learning.
  • EDU 567 Math and Science Exploration PreK-3rd (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program.
    Taught: Fall only
    Integrated mathematics and science learning experiences from both the Early Childhood Education teacher and the students perspectives emphasizing exploration, problem-solving, and discourse. REQUIRED for IECE and Non-Certification tracks.
  • EDU 568 Administration and Supervision in Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education program and EDS 360.
    Taught: Spring only
    The study of strategies and dispositions needed for managing effective early childhood programs.
  • EDU 569 Kindergarten Education and Programming (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Program.
    Taught: Spring only
    Overview of kindergarten history, curricula, and study of developmentally appropriate strategies and activities across subject areas. REQUIRED for IECE and Non-Certification tracks.
  • EDU 575 Language Arts Methods Middle Grades (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): COEHS Advising Center permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Advanced objectives, curricula, and instructional strategies to teach state and national language arts standards in the middle grades.
  • EDU 576 Science Methods Middle Grades (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Teacher Education Department Permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Advanced objectives, curricula, and instructional strategies to teach state and national science standards in the middle grades.
  • EDU 577 Mathematics Methods Middle Grades (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Teacher Education Department Permission.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Advanced objectives, curricula, and instructional strategies to teach state and national math standards in the middle grades.
  • EDU 578 Social Studies Methods Middle Grades (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Teacher Education Department Permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Advanced objectives, curricula, and instructional strategies to teach state and national social studies standards in the middle grades.
  • EDU 594 Topics: Education (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Varies with topic (see Schedule of Classes).
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Various advanced topics in education. May be repeated as topics varies. Repeatable up to 6 hours.
  • EDU 599 Independent Study: Education (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Individual supervised readings and study of a selected topic in education. May be repeated as topics vary.
  • MTE 650 Advanced Methods for Teaching Number P-2 (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course aims to help teachers develop strategies to provide foundations for success with mathematics for diverse group of learners. The course focuses on four mathematical themes: A) Mathematical Fluency, B) Number and Numeration, C) Measurement and Data, and D) Early Algebraic Reasoning.   
  • MTE 651 Advanced Methods for Teaching Number 3-5 (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    In this course, teachers will learn more about mathematics teaching strategies for diverse group of learners around four mathematical themes: A) Structuring and Addition/Subtraction, B) Number Words/Numerals and Early Multiplication/Division, C) Extending Multiplication and Division, and D) Fractions and the Progression of Algebraic Understanding.    
  • MTE 652 Intervention in Elementary Mathematics (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course is designed for elementary grades teachers to learn and practice assessments and teaching strategies for advancing students’ foundational number knowledge, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • MTE 653 Advanced Geometry and Measurement Con P-5 (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The course explores the foundations of measurement and geometry in one, two, and three dimensions. Topics will emphasize the critical content and conceptual development of measurement, visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling. As appropriate, students reasoning and effective teaching strategies will be discussed.
  • MTE 654 Advanced Number, Algebra, and Data P-5 (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Students will explore from an advanced perspective the  topics from number and operation, algebra, and data and probability needed to support horizon knowledge for teaching elementary mathematics.
  • MTE 655 Enhancing Leadership in Math Teaching (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The course will help teachers, teacher leaders, and mathematics coaches develop and become intentional in their leadership skills in structured and unstructured settings. They will review and learn more about successful collaborative planning processes that will help them develop well-planned instructional units.

Education Administration

  • EDA 602 Leadership in Schools, Orgs & Community (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    This course is an introduction to school leadership. Students will engage in a thorough investigation of contemporary leadership research, scholarship, theory, and practice. This course will introduce the concept of “transformative” change in schools, classrooms, and in individuals. Participants will create personal and professional growth plans to enhance their effective-ness.
  • EDA 624 Technology and Best Practices for School Improvement (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to program.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Identifying the best practices of school improvement documented by research; application of these practices to diverse school contextual setting; practice and application in researching worldwide school improvement activities and research through internet searches and library databases.
  • EDA 639 The School Superintendency (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to program or consent of instructor.
    Co-requisite(s): EDA 679 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The course will be conducted in a Professional Learning Community environment and format. Class participants will be expected to establish a shared vision, a set of values required to achieve the vision, and two/three critical goals to be accomplished during the course. These goals should be measurable and able to document the fact that students were successful in acquiring the appropriate knowledge, understanding, and applications for the role of the superintendency.
  • EDA 640 Legal and Parent Issues in Special Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    To participate in the delivery of a free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities and to understand the roles and responsibilities of the school administrator in maximizing educational results for children with and without disabilities.
  • EDA 649 School System Administration (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to superintendent program or consent of instructor.
    Co-requisite(s): EDA 680 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study of overall school district management and operations including ad-ministration of auxiliary services; federal programs, financial management, and human resources.
  • EDA 659 Strategic Management in Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to superintendent program or consent of instructor.
    Co-requisite(s): EDA 681 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Designed to assist those desiring to be certified as a school superintendent to understand, appreciate and acquire strategic planning skills. The ability to plan, acquiring the skills needed in formulating plans and demonstrating the ability and skills to execute plans are all critical skills and tools individuals must possess to successfully perform in the role of a public school super-intendent.
  • EDA 679 School Superintendent Practicum I (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to superintendent program or consent of instructor.
    Co-requisite(s): EDA 639 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study and observation of the role and responsibilities of the superintendent are the key components of the practicum experience. Students are required to spend time in field settings.
  • EDA 680 School Superintendent Practicum II (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to school superintendency certificate program or consent of instructor.
    Co-requisite(s): EDA 649 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study and observation of the role and responsibilities of the school superintendent in practice. Students are required to spend time in field settings.
  • EDA 681 School Superintendent Practicum III (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to superintendent program or consent of instructor.
    Co-requisite(s): EDA 659 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Study and observation of the role and responsibilities of the school superintendent in practice. Students are required to spend time in field settings.
  • EDA 692 Directed Research: Educational Leadership (0-6 credits)

    0-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Department permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Original research in educational leadership directed by a member of the educational leadership faculty.
  • EDA 694 Special Topics in Educational Leadership (1-6 credits)

    Hours: 1-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    A specific aspect of concern to the educational leadership or district administration populations. May be repeated for additional credit when topic varies. May be repeated for up to a total of 9 semester hours. See Schedule of Classes for current offerings and prerequisites.
  • EDA 699 Independent Study in Educational Leadership (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Department Permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    A specific aspect of concern to the educational leadership or district administration populations. May be repeated for additional credit when topic varies. May be repeated for up to a total of 9 semester hours. See Schedule of Classes for current offerings and prerequisites.
  • EDA 704 Education Leader as Culture Builder: Roles and Responsibilities in a PLC (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Fall and summer
    In this course, candidates assess school culture and its impact on student learning and school performance to determine areas of assistance needed. Candidates study ways to engage stakeholders to determine impact of student performance and what is needed for improvement.
  • EDA 705 Education Leader as Culture Builder: Fieldwork (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Fall and summer
    This course focuses on field experiences in educational administration and leadership at the early elementary, middle school, secondary or district level. Emphasis is upon organization, administration and leadership of schools.
  • EDA 706 Educational Leader: Designing Curriculum (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    In this course, candidates will focus on increasing student learning through effective leadership strategies. Candidates collect and analyze authentic student work and use current research and practices to identify effective and diverse strategies and develop intervention plans.
  • EDA 707 Educational Leader: Fieldwork (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    In this course, candidates will focus on increasing student learning through the application of effective leadership strategies. Under the supervision of a school principal and an N.K.U. faculty member, Candidates will engage in Fieldwork related to the following course objectives.
  • EDA 708 Education Leader as Assessor: Data Informed Decision Making (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    In this course, candidates will develop an understanding of Kentucky’s various curriculum and instruction documents. Candidates will identify and use appropriate research based intervention strategies for addressing student needs. Candidates will also use a variety of protocols to promote teacher collaboration in analyzing student work.
  • EDA 709 Education Leader as Assessor: Fieldwork (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    In this course, candidates will develop an understanding of Kentucky’s various curriculum and instruction documents. Candidates will identify and use appropriate research based intervention strategies for addressing student needs. Candidates will also use a variety of protocols to promote teacher collaboration in analyzing student work. Under the supervision of a school principal and an N.K.U. faculty member.
  • EDA 711 Education Leader as Supervisor: Building Teacher Capacity (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Candidates will develop relationships with families and develop partner-ships with community stakeholders to leverage resources to support shared goals and objectives. Candidates will identify stakeholders who are representative of the community served by the school. Candidates will study how to work collaboratively to assess the concerns, needs, and issues of families served by the school; and know how to monitor resource allocation and program implementation to assess and adjust if necessary.
  • EDA 712 Education Leader as Supervisor: Fieldwork (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    In this course, candidates will study staff selection, personnel evaluation, work conditions and environment, and professional development. These are interrelated processes that influence the culture of the learning environment. Principals should know and use the characteristics of effective teachers to successfully conduct staff selection, evaluation, and professional development processes.
  • EDA 713 Education Leader as Manager: School Improvement Plans (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The focus of this course is instructional leadership-the delivery of an effective instructional program that results in high levels of student achievement. Candidates will study the organizational vision and mission, school improvement planning and implementation. Candidates will also study basic management skills that foster student safety, learning and achievement.
  • EDA 714 Education Leader as Manager: Fieldwork (1 credit)

    Hours: 1 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Fall and spring
    Candidates will study the organizational vision and mission, school improvement planning and implementation by successfully completing field projects.
  • EDA 715 Education Leader as Facilitator: Leveraging Community Systems and Resources (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist
    Taught: Summer only
    Candidates will develop relationships with families and develop partner-ships with community stakeholders to leverage resources to support shared goals and objectives. Candidates will identify stakeholders who are representative of the community served by the school. Candidates will study how to work collaboratively to assess the concerns, needs, and issues of families served by the school; and know how to monitor resource allocation and program implementation to assess and adjust if necessary.
  • EDA 716 Education Leader: Legal & Ethical Perspectives (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Summer only
    In this course, candidates will assess school culture and its impact on student learning and school performance to determine areas of assistance needed. Candidates will study ways to engage stakeholders to determine impact of student performance and what is needed for improvement.
  • EDA 717 Principal as Practitioner I (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Ed.S. degree in Educational Leadership.
    Taught: Fall only
    This is the first of two classes for candidates who have completed the thirty-hour Education Specialist degree program. This class provides support for first year principals and assistant principals. For graduates who do not move into principal jobs, this class keeps their knowledge current. Candidates study the newest education laws, finance, curriculum, teacher evaluation, and learn the many resources that are available to schools.
  • EDA 718 Education Leader as Practitioner (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 1-3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of Ed.S. degree in Educational Leadership.
    Taught: Variable-check with department
    The second of two classes for candidates who have completed the thirty-hour Education Specialist degree program or are pursuing a post-Master’s certification. This class will provide support for first year principals, assistant principals, supervisors or directors. For graduates who do not move into principal or other administrative jobs, this class will keep their knowledge current.
  • EDA 719 School Finance and Budgeting (3 credits)

    3 classroom hours + 0 lab/studio hours
    Taught: Fall Only
    This course is designed to introduce and study trends in school finance and school business management. The course content covers practices at the local, state, and national levels.
  • EDA 720 Pupil Personnel Accounting (3 credits)

    3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admitted to DPP certification program or department permission.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The role and responsibilities of Director of Pupil Personnel. Major areas of emphasis include: truancy, dropouts, student health and wellness and relations to other student services in the school district and community.
  • EDA 791 Education Leader as Researcher: Designing Collaborative Action Research (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Fall and summer
    In this course, candidates will learn to conduct action research that will be used throughout coursework and in the development of the capstone project.
  • EDA 792 Education Leader as Researcher: Theory to Practice (2 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Education Specialist.
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    The two semester Capstone experience allows candidates to explore an independent project under the close supervision of a local school administrator and NKU faculty member. The project may take many forms, from a substantial research paper to a significant creative project. The Capstone Project should reflect intellectual rigor and a pursuit of excellence. Candi-dates will be required to present the highlights of their Capstone Project to University faculty, Site Based Councils, and/or district level administrators.
  • EDA 794 Special Topics in Educational Leadership (1-6 credits)

    1-6 classroom hours + 0 lab/studio hours
    Prerequisite(s): Department permission.
    Taught: Variable-check w/department
    Specific topics for in-depth study by students in the Education Specialist or Educational Leadership Programs. Course hours vary from one (1) to six (6) depending on content and topic of course. May be repeated for additional credit when topic varies. May be taken for up to nine (9) hours of credit.
  • EDA 799 Independent Study in Advanced Educational Leadership (1-6 credits)

    Hours: 1-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Department Permission.
    Taught: Fall, winter, spring and summer
    A specific aspect of concern to the educational leadership or district administration populations. May be repeated for additional credit when topic varies. May be repeated for up to a total of 9 semester hours. See Schedule of Classes for current offerings and prerequisites.

Education Graduate

  • EDG 602 Technology in Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Spring only
    Uses of technology for educators; effects of technology on classroom and curriculum; evaluation of software; telecommunications; introduction to programming language; use of word processing, databases, and spread-sheets.
  • EDG 603 Selected Topics in Technology in Education (1-3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Topics and issues in technology in education for teachers. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • EDG 605 Introduction to Research Methods (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 607  and EDA 602 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Introduction to education research enabling candidates to become effective consumers and users of research in education. It will improve candidates’ ability to apply research findings appropriately in school settings and will lay a foundation for an original action research project.
  • EDG 606 Leadership in a Diverse Society (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Research, theory, policy, and practice in multicultural and diversity education; recognizing race, class, gender, learning, and linguistic diversity within home, schools, and community settings; developing and demonstrating culturally relevant and responsive approaches to meeting the needs of students.
  • EDG 607 Orientation to MAED Teacher as Leader (0 credits)

    Hours: 0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Co-requisite(s): EDA 602 .
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Orientation to the Master of Arts in Education Teacher as Leader program including graduate policies and procedures, selection of a specialization/endorsement, advising services, certification, educator dispositions, professional behaviors, online learning, and the action research sequence.
  • EDG 608 Conc for Dual Credit Teaching: Intro (0 credits)

    0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the Concentration for Dual Teaching Program
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This mandatory first course provides an introduction to the Concentration for Dual Credit Teaching. The course addresses the following topics: university policies and procedures, selection of a specialization, advising services, and the nature and purpose of teaching undergraduate courses.
  • EDG 609 Conc for Dual Credit Teaching: Capstone (0 credits)

    0 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of advisor
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This mandatory course provides a capstone activity for the Concentration for Dual Credit Teaching. The course allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills for teaching dual credit courses in your selected concentration. This course must be taken in the last semester enrolled in the Concentration in Dual Credit Teaching.
  • EDG 615 Instructional Design & Curriculum (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 607  and EDA 602 .
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Research-based best practices and models of instructional design to meet the needs of all learners in a school setting.
  • EDG 618 Advanced Curriculum Studies (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Graduate Program.
    Taught: Fall, spring and summer
    Study of historical, theoretical and philosophical influences on school curriculum and of current trends in curriculum development; familiarization with models of PK-12 curriculum development.
  • EDG 620 Learning and Motivation (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Spring only
    This course addresses principles of cognitive psychology and brain research for the purpose of improving P-12 student learning and motivation with applications to curricula, learning environments and instructional strategies.
  • EDG 621 Introduction to Gifted Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall only
    Historical, philosophical, and psychological foundations of special educational provisions for high-ability students; characteristics, identification, and typical school programs.
  • EDG 623 Teaching Creative Higher-Level Thinking (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Spring only
    Theories of creativity and problem solving; identifying creative potential; classroom strategies and curriculum materials related to creativity and higher-level thinking.
  • EDG 624 Pupil Assessment and Evaluation (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall and summer
    Various types of pupil assessment and the use and interpretation of each; mastery learning; criterion referenced tests; competency based instruction and evaluation; selection and use of standardized tests; construction of classroom tests.
  • EDG 625 School Programs for Gifted Students (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 621  and EDG 623 .
    Taught: Summer only
    Theoretical bases and model school programs for high-ability students; procedures for planning and implementing special educational provisions for gifted students; curriculum design and teaching strategies.
  • EDG 626 Current Trends and Issues in Curriculum (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Graduate Program.
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    This course engages candidates in critical thinking about current issues and concerns in education that affect teaching, curriculum, motivation, and student success. Through research and discussion, teachers will expand their knowledge of current issues and apply that knowledge to their current practice.
  • EDG 627 Seminar and Field Experiences in Gifted Education (3 credits)

    Hours: 2 classroom + 2 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 621 , EDG 623  and EDG 625 .
    Taught: Summer only
    Research and discussion of critical problems in gifted education; application of knowledge and skills in gifted education in one or more settings with gifted students; planning, supervised teaching, and advocacy techniques.
  • EDG 628 Increasing Instructional Effectiveness (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education Graduate Program
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer


    The course is designed to improve teacher instructional effectiveness in order to meet the needs of 21st century learners.  Participants will learn new effective pedagogy and implement one or more of the various strategies into their diverse placement, gather data, and analyze the impact on student learning.

  • EDG 629 Special Topics in Gifted Education (1-6 credits)

    Hours: 3-6 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): Varies by topic
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    In-depth study of one dimension of recent research, theory, and curriculum design, or teaching strategies in gifted education. Repeatable for 1-6 hours. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • EDG 630 Language and Learning Across the Curriculum (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Fall, spring, and summer
    Current views of literacy; theories of literacy; approaches, methods, and materials of reading assessment, planning, and instruction. Required for standard elementary certification.
  • EDG 632 Classroom-Based Literacy Assessment (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 630  or equivalent.
    Taught: Spring only-even yrs
    Theories of language acquisition; application of linguistic theories to the teaching of literacy.
  • EDG 634 Reading Instruction in Primary Grades (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 630 .
    Taught: Fall only-odd years
    Principles underlying the teaching of beginning reading; approaches and materials.
  • EDG 636 Reading Instruction in Middle Grades (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 630 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Principles underlying the teaching of reading in the middle grades; approaches and materials applicable to the teaching of developmental, con-tent, recreational, and corrective reading.
  • EDG 637 Literacy Clinic I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 632 .
    Taught: Fall only-even years
    Principles and practices for diagnosing reading problems and other communication disorders.
  • EDG 639 Literacy Clinic II (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 637 .
    Taught: Spring only-odd yrs
    Principles and practices for remediation of reading and other communication disorders.
  • EDG 641 Applying Innovative Tech in Ed Prac (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 602 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    This course will prepare technology leaders to advocate for effective technology integration by modeling its use in teaching and professional practice.
  • EDG 642 Designing Online Instruction (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 602 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Principles of effective design of online instruction; research-based models for online delivery, including hybrid and blended instruction; development of media-rich, web-based materials; emphasis on designing learning environments that promote engagement and integration.
  • EDG 643 Technology Systems in Schools (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 602 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Elements of effective technology planning including needs analysis; implementation monitoring and evaluation; maintaining and supporting technology infrastructure; decision-making criteria for hardware and software selection; technology funding and budgeting.
  • EDG 646 Research in Educational Technology (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Prerequisite(s): EDG 602 .
    Taught: Variable, check with department
    Students will design, conduct, interpret, and apply action research to ad-dress an educational technology issue in classrooms and schools through data driven decision making. Students will develop a research proposal related to a specific P-12 educational issue, secure permission from a local educational agency to conduct research, comply with regulations related to human subjects research, implement the proposed research project, and write a summary of findings.
  • EDG 648 Developing Writing Programs for Elementary and Secondary Schools I (3 credits)

    Hours: 3 classroom + 0 lab/studio
    Taught: Summer only
    Theories of writing and planning of developmental writing programs for specific grade levels and for school-wide programs across disciplines. May be taken concurrently with EDG 649 .
    Same as ENG 648 

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